- JagCFv1

- JagCFv2

- JagCFv3

- JagtopusProgrammer

- Jaguar


My implementation of the Jaguar on FPGA written from zero.
The goal was to made a more powerful Jaguar with the most possible compatibility, and without bugs. As different enhancement are made, some original program will need patches to run properly.
For a FPGA Jaguar fully compatible with the original, there is the Torlus one. You can find it here

The first version (v1.0) was made on an Altium NB3000 development board which has an EP3C40 CycloneIII FPGA. The Jaguar Core uses 99.99% of the available space of the FPGA.
I hadn't enough space into this FPGA to complete the implementation and to do all enhancement that I would like to do, so I bought a board with an ArriaV and made the v2.0 that give me enough space to finish the implementation.
The target FPGA for the final version will be a CycloneV.

68000 Core :

The 68000 core is home made and have a pipelined instruction structure.
Each instruction is decomposed into :

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6
Read Instruction Decode Instruction Read Registers Read Memory Compute Write Back

Adding to that, almost all instruction execute each steps in 1 cycle.
This architecture gives the ability to execute up to one instruction by cycle.

The Cycle Table is here

Compatibility list :

You can find the Compatibility list here

Characteristics :

68000 Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.0)
Frequency 13.295 MHz 30 MHz 50 MHz
Instruction Cache none 1 kBytes 2 kBytes
Data Cache none none planned for the v2.1
Instruction Pipeline none yes yes
Addr Bus Width 24 bits 26 bits 32 bits
Data Bus Width 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits
GPU Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.0)
Frequency 26.59 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz
Internal Ram 4 kBytes 8 kBytes 32 kBytes
Read/write Burst length 2 256 256
Register File structure dual port ram 1 write and 3 read ports ram 1 write and 3 read ports ram
Internal Ram structure one port ram dual port ram dual port ram
Addr Bus Width 24 bits 26 bits 32 bits
Data bus Width 64 bits 32 bits 64 bit
DSP Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.0)
Frequency 26.59 MHz 60 MHz 100 MHz
Internal Ram 8 kBytes 8 kBytes 32 kBytes
Read/write Burst length 2 256 256
Register File structure dual port ram 1 write and 3 read ports ram 1 write and 3 read ports ram
Internal Ram structure one port ram dual port ram dual port ram
Addr Bus Width 24 bits 26 bits 32 bits
Data bus Width 16 bits 32 bits 64 bit
Blitter Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.1)
Frequency 26.59 MHz 100 MHz 120 MHz
Command list 1 2 up to 256
Pipeline none yes yes
Addr Bus Width 24 bits 26 bits 32 bits
Data Bus Width 64 bits 32 bits 64 bits
Object Processor Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.1)
Frequency 26.59 MHz 100 MHz 148.52 MHz
Instruction Cache none 2 kBytes 2 kBytes
Pipeline none yes yes
Addr Bus Width 24 bits 26 bits 32 bits
Data Bus Width 64 bits 32 bits 64 bits
Line Buffer structure dual 360 x 32 bit ram dual 512 x 32 bit ram dual 1024 x 64 bit ram
Max Unscaled Pixel by cycle 2 for 1 to 16 bpp
1 for 24 bpp
2 for 1 to 16 bpp
1 for 24 bpp
4 for 1 to 16 bpp
2 for 24 bpp
Max Scaled Pixel by cycle 1 1 1
Max Screen Resolution 1382 x 625i @ 50 Hz
1400 x 525i @ 60 Hz
800 x 600p @ 60 Hz 1280 x 720p @ 60 Hz
Memory Original CycloneIII (v1.0) ArriaV (v2.0)
Frequency 26.59 MHz 100 MHz 133.33 MHz
Available Memory 2 MBytes 64 MBytes 256 MBytes
Interface Width 64 bits 32 bits 64 bits
Max Bandwidth 106 MBytes/s 400 MBytes/s 1 GBytes/s


This board was made to fast program Jagtopus board.
It's composed of a FPGA, a SDCard, 2 buttons (reset and start prog) and 4 Jaguar slot.

There is 149 components on the board.
Three board exist.


FPGA and capacitors :

Transceivers and Inductance :

Power and LED :

Capacitors and resistors :

Transceivers and SDCard connector :

Connectors, buttons :

JagtopusProg packed, ready to deliver at AC2013 :

JagtopusProg with Jagtopus :

JagtopusProg FPGA architecture :


The JagCFv3 is more powerful than the JagCFv2.
The JagCFv3 is composed of :
- Cyclone III FPGA
- 4Mbytes of Flash memory (to boot the jaguar and for libraries)
- 32Mbytes of SDRAM
- Compact Flash connector
- I2S output for audio streaming connected to Jaguar DSP
- UART input/output up to 3Mbps for remote debugging
- Two PS/2 connector for PC mouse and keyboard
- CAN bus connector for JagCF network

There is 204 components on the board.
Four PCB exist but only two are yet soldered.

Starting placement of components

Soldering Power circuitry

Soldering Top and Bottom passive components

Top and Bottom with almost all components

Top and Bottom inside the Cartridge case

The board connected to my over-clocked Jaguar

The JagCFv3 and a Skunkboard


The JagCFv1 was too slow to do some interesting stuff.
Some developer (me too :p) wanted more POWA, so I started working on the JagCFv2.

It's the first version shown in public at the Atari Connexion 2006.

The JagCFv2 was composed of :
- Cyclone I FPGA
- Flash memory (to boot the jaguar)
- 8Mbytes of SDRAM
- External connector for future features like PS/2

One prototype was made.

During the milling

With all components

Working on the JagCFv2

Videos of JagCFv2 demo

RGC2006 demo : streaming of audio from CF with Real-Time Fluid Dynamics depending of the FFT computation.

AC2007 demo : 640x480 selection screen with various example (video, games...)


The JagCFv1 was the first try to do a CF interface on the Jaguar cartridge slot.
It was composed of a CPLD, FLASH memory (to boot the Jaguar) and the CF connector.

One prototype was made.